SERMA Microelectronics is responding to a need for reliable, hermetically sealed, highly integrated components to be soldered onto organic substrates.
Differences in expansion coefficients eventually weaken the component/board bond, particularly in the case of LGA/BGA components.
SERMA Microelectronics’ solution consists in inserting columns between the component and the support, to absorb mechanical stress at the solder joints.
We have developed this “Column Attach” solution, for which we have received a CAPABILITY APPROVAL from the ESA (European Space Agency) and an Agrément de Savoir Faire (ASF) from the CNES.
A special machine has been developed, and the process has been validated and matured, enabling us to offer the market all types of bonded housing, from LGA 625 to LGA 1752 pins. The components are FM (flight model).